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Our Sector's Priorities

Income and Sustainability

The top priority for CVS organisations is to have adequate income to deliver its activities effectively and support sustainability of organisations and their work.

CVS organisations secure income form one or more sources including:

public donations

funding from the public sector, including national and local government and the NHS*

grant funding from independent funding trusts and foundations

income from selling goods and services

*either in the form of a grant or a fee for delivery of a contracted service

Where a CVS organisation receives income from a grant or contract, this should cover the real costs of delivery; make provision for inflation; and provide funding for a sufficient length of time.

This is called “Fair Funding”. CVS organisations across Scotland and in North Lanarkshire are calling on funders to provide fair funding to support the effectiveness and sustainability of the CVS.

North Lanarkshire CVS Fair Funding Charter

This funding charter [upload doc] has been developed by Voluntary Action North Lanarkshire (VANL) and the Community and Voluntary Sector Partnership Group to set out fair funding principles for our sector with the aim of supporting improvements in the funding our sector receives from the public and independent sectors.

Principle one
A strategic investment approach

Principle two
Accessible, proportionate and transparent funding and commissioning process

Principle three
Adequate and secure funding

Principle four
Proportionate evaluation and reporting to funders

You can read about the North Lanarkshire CVS Fair Funding Charter here.

If your CVS organisation would like to join the North Lanarkshire CVS Income Generation group, please contact or use the contact form here. You can also read about national Fair Funding developments for our sector here.

Guidance and training

CVS organisations also need and value access to free and/or low cost guidance and training on a range of key issues including:

Leadership and governance

Strategic planning

Innovation, improvement and evaluation


People management


Communications and influencing

Workplace wellbeing and health and safety

Equality, human rights and public protection

Understanding of key population groups and key community issues

Effective participation, voice and influence

VANL receives funding from the Scottish Government, North Lanarkshire Council and Health and Social Care North Lanarkshire to provide guidance and training on the above and other issues – helping to build CVS capacity and effectiveness. VANL also works with partners, such as New College Lanarkshire, to provide access to wider, free or low cost training.

VANL will also provide a schedule of other sources of training here soon.

You can read more about the support and services provided by VANL here.

Respect and Recognition

Respect and recognition for our sector is vital for securing funding and to be treated as effective service providers and partners.

In North Lanarkshire, the CVS is generally well respected and given recognition for its contribution by public bodies and the wider public and this needs to be sustained and strengthened.

One key way of achieving this is for CVS organsations to demonstrate the quality of their organisation and their contribution and impact. Many CVS organisations already do this very well but if they need support this is available from a variety of sources, including VANL.

VANL promotes and uses the following two online resources for and with our sector to support its sustainability and quality:

Charity Excellence online self-assessment tool

Lasting Difference online resources to support CVS organisational sustainabilty