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Our Sector

CVS Qualities

The work of the CVS in North Lanarkshire is supported by a sector-strategy, which was agreed in 2021 and is available to read below.

North Lanarkshire CVS Strategy 2021-24

The CVS is value- and mission-led and has many recognised and valued strengths and assets.

It is person - and community-centred  

and promotes inclusion, equality and human rights of its beneficiaries as well as its workforce.

It is responsive to people’s needs  

and - given around 75% of the CVS is locally based - has strong community connections and reach. 

The sector’s paid and voluntary workforce – including trustees - work with passion and commitment to achieve their organisation’s mission. And, whilst the CVS needs sufficient resources to deliver its work, because the sector involves many volunteers, it is highly cost-effective and delivers good quality support and services. For example, regulated care services provided by the CVS regularly receive high scores on their assessments.

CVS public services

Our CVS provides vital public services and supports public engagement in civic society through: